The Society of Phi Zeta
Research Awards
The objectives of the Society of Phi Zeta are to recognize and promote scholarship and research in matters pertaining to the welfare and diseases of animals. To this end, the National Society of Phi Zeta conducts a Research Manuscript Award competition each year. Award recipients receive a check for $1,000 and an inscribed plaque.
The Society invites chapters to submit up to two outstanding research manuscripts to be judged for an award in one of two categories (one manuscript per category):
Basic Research category
Clinical or Applied Research category
Each Phi Zeta chapter may sponsor up to two candidates — one for each of the award categories. The application must state under which category each manuscript is being submitted.
The candidate does not need to be a Phi Zeta member.
The candidate must be a veterinarian involved in a graduate or research program within the past 2 years. This means that a current resident/intern or a recent graduate would be eligible.
The candidate must be the first author.
The paper must have been either accepted for publication or already published in a peer reviewed journal. If accepted but not yet published a verifying letter from the journal is required.
If your chapter has more than one paper in one or both of the categories you will need to do an internal review to choose which one you want to submit BEFORE sending to the chair of the research awards committee. In this case you should decide on an internal deadline that will give you enough time for this before your final submission.
Recipients of each award will be selected by a committee of members from 8 chapters per year, beginning with Auburn University and proceeding alphabetically through the institutional names. With 32 chapters, each chapter's reviewing responsibility will recur every 4 years.
Submission Process
Read the detailed Manuscript Award Guidelines.
Submit each manuscript with a completed Manuscript Award Nominee form
Email submissions to the National Secretary-Treasurer with Subject heading: Phi Zeta MS Award
Secretary-Treasurer: Missy Josephson, Epsilon Chapter, Auburn University, josepem@auburn.edu.
Awards Committee
Auburn University, Epsilon Chapter
Cornell University, Alpha Chapter
Colorado State University, Theta Chapter
Kansas State University, Sigma Chapter
Lincoln Memorial University, Alpha Theta Chapter
Louisiana State University, Tau Chapter
Elizabeth Rozanski, Past Chair, Tufts University, Alpha Beta Chapter (tie-breaker)
Midwestern University, Alpha Eta Chapter
Mississippi State University, Omega Chapter
North Carolina State University, Psi Chapter
Ohio State University, Delta Chapter
Oklahoma State University, Nu Chapter
Oregon State University, Alpha Gamma Chapter
Purdue University, Omicron Chapter
Ross University, Alpha Zeta Chapter
St. George's University, Alpha Delta Chapter
Texas A & M University, Eta Chapter
Tufts University, Alpha Beta Chapter
Tuskegee University, Rho Chapter
University of California - Davis, Lambda Chapter
University of Florida, Upsilon Chapter
University of Georgia, Xi Chapter
University of Illinois, Mu Chapter